#Fugan and Mugan
Fugan & Mugan: We've invited you here because we crave the deadliest game...
Subaru, nodding: Knife Monopoly.
Fugan & Mugan: We were actually going to hunt you for sport, but now we're really interested in whatever Knife Monopoly is.
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vinnygothika · 1 year
Nicolai: *leaned over an informant with a bloody knife in hand* you'll have to do better than that if you want me to spare your life..
Young Fugan and Mugan: *come in with drawings* look papa.
Nicolai: boys papa's working right now... Did you two draw these? Oh look at these, they're wonderful. I'll put them on the fridge.
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quality-street-rat · 2 years
Okay first of all the CGI in this fight scene is HORRIBLE, so jot that down
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tnbscans · 3 months
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2022 clear file
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nemirutami · 2 years
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Kofi for anon! Fugan & Mugan from Tiger and Bunny!
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nana-egaki · 2 years
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Some Tiger & Bunny drawings from last year
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bottomgojo · 2 years
Kotetsu: Did you have to stab him?
Fugan and Mugan: You weren’t there. You didn’t hear what he said to us.
Barnaby: What did he say?
Fugan and Mugan, in unison: “What are you going to do, stab me?”
Ryan, nodding: That’s fair.
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alypagemage · 2 years
Finished the first cour of season 2 of Tiger and Bunny and DAMMIT ||WHY DID FUGAN AND MUGAN HAVE TO DIE
Yes they were ‘evil’ and attacked tons of innocent heroes but they NEVER actually KILLED anyone. Despite constantly claiming they’re ‘hero killers’, all they did was put them out of commission. They did exactly as their hero L.L Audun did - Audun was a vigilante, which is a criminal act and yet his M.O was always arresting criminals, not murdering them for sport. With the twins, it’s like a game, a challenge, and though they’re associated with an evil organisation their motivation is helping out their dad, who’s boss gave him an *order* that, if not followed, would get him killed. So the main reason the twins wreaked such havoc is 1. To show their dad how grateful they are that he took them in and cared for them when no one else would, and 2. Keep their dad safe by keeping Ouroboros off his back.
My sweet babies didn’t have to die in the end though!!! It would’ve been SUCH a good twist if they were rehabilitated and turned by the heroes into heroes themselves!! Fugan and Mugan were completely neutral characters - at first when their dad asked them to start taking out the heroes, they said they weren’t interested. It was only when they realized their dad was being forced into said task that they decided to do it for HIS sake.
Plus Tiger and Bunny would be such nurturing mentors. Visiting them in the hospital, bringing them sodas as a peace offering - the twins realize that Tiger and Bunny brought them their *favourite* sodas, and are like, “how did you know?” Kotetsu sheepishly replies that they had to do some profiling checks on them after their arrest. And Bunny gets so embarrassed cos Kotetsu is so incredibly fascinated that the twins are identical, but the twins are fine with it, they actually find it amusing and often play tricks on Kotetsu. Just cute stuff like that. Later on they get to know the twins better, some great bonding happens, etc etc
There have been a bunch of repeated tropes this season - the whole partners argue or have a misunderstanding, then something crime related happens and in the end the partners understand eachother better, yada yada. It was nice to see the inner workings of the new relationships between all the heroes and their situations but it did start to get old kinda quickly.
Haven’t seen cour 2 of S2 yet. I’m gonna let the first cour sink in for a while. But you can bet that there’ll be a TON of Fugan and Mugan fan art coming soon lol||
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beyblaiddyd · 2 years
I do still have a bunch of cyril images saved to my phone cyril moods still strike me I just dont post them. I need to find some new guy to excessively screenshot
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dirt-str1der · 1 year
Im so angry whenever people pick tiger up or manhandle him like hes their little toy because i wanna touch him all over. Like you can literally do whatever you want with him he will be like hehehe ! (Cute and helpless expression)
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skapunkpee · 1 year
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Fugan: Here you go, a nice hot cup of coffee!
Nicolai: It's cold.
Mugan: A nice cup of coffee.
Nicolai: It's horrible!
Fugan: Cup of coffee.
Nicolai: I'm not sure if this even IS coffee.
Fugan & Mugan in unison: C U P.
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interstate35south · 9 months
this is kinda in the same vein as one of my other posts but like i really do wish that tnb season 2 showed ANY sort of like?? idk trauma response?? for ANY of the heroes
like don’t get me wrong season 2 ep 14 may be like my number one favorite episode but it’s kinda weird to me the fact that apparently everyone just??? got over it???
it’s canon that everyone who was in the hospital was AWAKE and CONSCIOUS during their whole paralysis??? that shit is TERRIFYING but the most that’s said about that time is ryan’s mention of karina’s parents visiting and like. nothing else??
furthermore i don’t really think they mentioned enough how subaru thomas and lara must’ve felt after fugan and mugan broke into the training center like?? you’re telling me no guilt no nothing?? just in general i feel like the effect on them, the youngest heroes, could’ve been talked about WAY more
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sentoind · 1 month
Actually. I’m coming back to a previous post about how everyone ignores the end of season two for Tiger & bunny… I’ve actually come to like it and accept it.
(Spoilers below)
However the only things I don’t like and agree with was the… racism and yuri’s ending?!
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Like 75% of season 2 cour 2 honestly felt like this. (I had some issues with how they made ouroboros this big organization and what not in season 2 cour 1 continuing into cour 2 but I actually love fugan and mugan actually and they made me feel emotional in comparison to what’s her name again ?) but the 25% of it that was good… was definitely good. While I still wish Thomas’s arc had a bit of tweaking I am satisfied and happy with how he came to start trusting Subaru more (and honestly I won’t really blame him by much because he’s a 17 year old) but asides from that I’m mainly here to talk about kotetsu and barnaby
When I first watched obviously I was extremely sad and kind of in denial that I forgot everything but after rewatching it… I actually grew to like and accept what happened to them because they’ve talked about it many times through the series that they’re still “friends” no matter what and they aren’t just hanging out with each other because of them being partners in crime as heroes. They are quite literally partners for life.
Although we don’t see what happens to them in the end run animated… we do at least see what happens to them in the form of a one shot manga chapter which shows that Barnaby still willingly chooses to follow after and help Kotetsu of his own violation, and Kotetsu still chooses to be a hero to people in his own way even without his powers.
… and again. My main criticism goes towards how Yuri just “dies” (in my mind he pulls what a character from DGS / TGA pulls but I won’t say who or what) and also towards the sudden cartoonish racism? And also having Barnaby who lived only for revenge and finally get a life without it watch was cruel because who knows how he felt about it while watching Lunatic’s last moments. But well I’ll top off my thoughts about season 2 there actually.
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lalunameli · 8 months
Ch.20 of Sakakibara's TaiBani2 manga is out. Just a small cameo from Yuri in this chapter. Continuation of the Mugan and Fugan arc of Cour1 where they target the heroes using the strange (yet cute) plushies.
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unlimitedhorsepower · 2 months
Could I see Fugan and Mugan? And jake Martinez
here you go, super late but!!! heres fugan and mugan leaving the ouroboros lab bc its boring and theres not much to do
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their outfits are hard to recreate in sims with the options i have. ok
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chatting in their barebones room which i didnt furnish. they dont have eyelashes or anything on purpose i thought it was a funny look
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pillow fight
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at jake martinez' grave. its really hot outside. they probably vandalized it for fun idk. just silly goofy guys. its so wild how jake martinez is dead and fugan and mugan are alive!
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apparently i forgot to assign them summer clothes, which they changed into autonomously. so theyre random
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breaking and entering into sternbild justice goddess church/orphanage
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living their best life, what will they do
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